Advertisements are now found in our everyday life such as gas pumps, and shopping carts. In the article "Hype" by Sonia Massik and Jack Solomon, it is stated that an average of about 12 Billion advertisements are dumped into North America's collective unconscious. I agree with Sonia Massik and Jack Solomon that "Advertisements have polluted the minds of individuals".
The first reason why I agree with the author is because from my own personal experience watching and listening to adveritisements on Television and Radio commercials. Everytime I am watching an episode, or listening to the radio, the shows and music becomes interupted by commercial breaks. These comercial breaks mention some sort of advertisent, either to purchase the item because its the latest electronic device out, or the newest waterproof cosmetics. I viewed a commercial where they were advertising the package "Your Baby Can Read". This ad methioned if you purchase this, your todler will learn to read at an early age. I ended up purchasing it and noticed a difference when i began using it. The ad basically polluted my mind in ordering it.
Further more another reason I will give is another personal experience I had involving the ads on the platforms while traveling. When I am traveling to and from school and work, I notice advertisements on the platform walls. I once viewed an advertisement because it was an attention getter, it was an advertisement about the movie "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". After reading the ad, I went and
purchased tickets because I wanted to see the film.
In conclusion, I agree with the authors Sonia Massik and Jack Solomon that advertisements have spread and increased in our community, and it has poluted the minds of people world wide.
Jamalis, this has potential but it is not yet passing. There is no summary to speak of, and while the first reason and example is good, the next paragraphs really repeats the previous. You must disable word verification to receive any more comments